Breast Cancer Vaccine News

Add to Technorati FavoritesA vaccine that prevents Breast Cancer? Not cure but prevents? Cervical cancer vaccine works by stimulating the body to produce protective antibodies. These antibodies ‘remember’ the virus and will attack it whenever the body encounters it again. Breast cancer has not been determined to be a virus so what is the hype?

Researchers at the wonderful Cleveland Clinic have raised hope for a breast cancer vaccine. Mice that have a gene for breast cancer have been administered a vaccine and it worked! The vaccine destroys only the protein most common in breast cancer so it can not develop. These mice experiments are moving on to the FDA for approval for human clinical trials.

Research can take years. What is successful for mice may not succeed for humans, but still there is hope

One Response

  1. This is quite interesting and am happy I found out here as I did not see this when it came out and did not even mention it to my medical students when we had a session on breast cancer. I think it is still a long way out, but let’s hope something like this works in the near future (e.g. less than 10 years).
    Dr. C
    please do see my blog as well!

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