Archive for October, 2008

Passionately Pink Pumpkins for The Cure
October 30, 2008

All Pinky

All Pinky

Komen has a program for the month of October, breast cancer awareness month, for companies to join in fund raising by wearing Pink. The goal is to set a date and anyone who wants to wear the Pink in support for the Cure donates at least $5.00.


We took this fund raising challenge on a different bent with Passionately Pink Pumpkins for the Cure. We had so many table top pumpkins from our garden that we decided to decorate them with pink boa feathers and sell them as Passionately Pink Pumpkins for the Cure. Of course we wore pink in more of a Halloween/costume theme and had pink lemonade and pink cupcakes, because what is a pink fund raiser with-out pink cake?


The response was great and we raised $150.00 from our afternoon efforts. Next year we are planning for bigger response, more lead time and more cupcakes. No guarantee that the garden will produce an abundance of pumpkins again, but we can adapt with Passionately Pink Potatoes for the Cure, or even Passionately Pink Parsley for the Cure. We have a year to passionately plan.


My lovely dress was bought at the local Goodwill for $5.95. This was hand sewn and must have been a bride’s maid dress. The puffy sleeves and the bow in the back are the tell tale signs. A friend was looking for a princess dress just like mine to wear at the request of her 2 little boys for Halloween.  I am delighted to loan it to her for the evening because I know how difficult it is to find a passionately pink taffeta dress when you need one!

Menopause Stardom
October 22, 2008

Did you ever want to be in the movies? Who hasn’t had a bit of a fantasy to see themselves on the big screen, gorgeous backgrounds, exotic locations, costumes and make-up that make you look like a real live movie star?  Yes fantasies are great.


 Reality is more like in the movie Tootsie when they scream “Not too close” for the camera work in shooting Dustin Hoffman as Tootsie. This week I was able to participate in some of the fun of movie making. Hot Flash Havoc,, is the name of the film being made that I am privileged to be a part of. Since it is in documentary style, I am playing myself, a middle age menopausal woman. My naturopathic physician friend Kelly Jennings,, is also interviewed and filmed. Kelly treats effectively, and patiently many women with menopause and breast cancer symptoms. She is also young, smart and gorgeous! So my close up is Kelly giving me an acupuncture treatment. Yes indeed, I am the woman in repose with acupuncture needles all over her face, head and neck!


I was also interviewed about my story, the breast cancer/menopause/entrepreneur connection. This film has a fantastic concept; educate and entertain about the condition called Menopause. The movie is still in production and I will blog about it again, and again as the release date becomes closer and my close up for stardom nears.

Crying At Work
October 15, 2008


The question is when is it acceptable to cry in the work place?


A friend of mine has told me she is just about menopausal and she is having emotional surges like her teenagers. She is crying more frequently, and being very short tempered. While her teenagers are quick to get over their outbursts, she still reels from her own for hours. The crying is the most troublesome and hardest to hide. How many times, does my friend tell me, can she say it’s just allergies?

I have been at meetings when the subject of death is addressed when one in our group has lost a husband, wife or child to disease or suicide. A collective tearing up in these circumstances is totally acceptable. I have noticed however, that many of the men remained stoic. Crying makes people feel uncomfortable, especially in my experience, men people.


I have seen co-workers make harsh comments to one another in meetings. Sometimes the recipient of the unkind words is stunned into silence, like a slap. Sometimes another co-worker comes to the defense and it turns into a verbal brawl. I have seen pounding on tables, throwing back chairs, standing up and shouting, throwing papers, ripping charts off walls, and getting red in the face, but I have never seen a man reduced to tears. I am not saying this is good or bad, it is just an interesting observation from my 30 years in the drenches of corporate America.


I used to work with a woman who cried frequently at meetings. It was a tough company, we were in sales, and you were expected to exceed your sales goals to keep your job. Men were the bosses and morale was not a consideration. Over the ten years I knew this woman, she cried at meetings when she was criticized, or when she was praised. She also cried at the Christmas party, and when she had too much to drink. In short she was a crier. In the ten years we worked together she maintained her job but she was not advanced, viewed as not able to handle pressure, and not being able to negotiate with difficult people. I heard others throw around the word ‘Drama Queen’ when referring to her. I know many did not want to work with her because she was disruptive with her crying. Crying elicits a need to comfort for many people. It is difficult to concentrate on work if you are busy comforting the crying person.  It is also difficult to ignore a crying person and stay on task. Looking back, I think she may have been PMS, post pregnancy, or peri-menopausal. Her hormones may have been running amok, or it was just part of her personality.


I think we have all had moments when we tear up in frustration or hurt feelings.

Not one condition or reason can be attributed to why a woman cries at work more than a man. I think a host of reasons trigger crying, menopause or hormone changes may just be some of the mix.


The conclusion I have reached is that it doesn’t do any one any good including the crier to cry at work. Go to the rest room, or walk outside your building, go to your car or someplace alone. Excuse yourself. Crying appears to be in the same genre as bawdy jokes. They can make some people feel uncomfortable, and give an air of an unprofessional demeanor. Don’t let your career be jeopardized by a few tears. No crying at Work!

What is your opinion?




Take Action for Breast Cancer
October 7, 2008

October is breast cancer awareness month. There are many sites to look at that support breast cancer. I am suggesting the following the Three:


1. Have you heard of the Army of Women? Sign up to join the force that helps find a cure for breast cancer.


2. How about Passionately Pink for the Cure? Become a “Passionista”,

October 31, 2008 is the date here at Haralee.Com, to wear the pink.


3. I vote for the cure. Tell our political leaders that “you expect them to make breast cancer a national priority.”



There is discussion among women, and bloggers, about companies that donate a percentage of their sales to breast cancer research. The discussion varies from feeling duped by the claim that the fine print says only .5% of sales for a two week period from one company to elation by the fine print saying a cap of $250,000.00 is allowed from another company. My opinion is any dollars donated to breast cancer research are dollars previously not contributed. Large amounts or small they all add up. As a consumer, if the choice is between two products and one of the companies donate to breast cancer research that is the company I would choose.

Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon

Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon

What is in a Name
October 2, 2008

Spanx Black Tights

Spanx Black Tights




Is it control top pantyhose or is it Spanx?  Did new hip good PR and a new name take a dying product and make it fresh?

Spanx started with footless so that was innovative, but it still was pretty much panty hose with-out the foot but not called footless panty hose. So what gives?


Women under 40 I am told do not wear panty hose. I have read that it is a defining difference among women of different generations. Women who are, or want to be under age 40, would not be caught dead wearing panty hose because older women exclusively wear them. What about Tights, everyone wears tights. The difference between panty hose and tights is that tights are usually heavier in the leg so they don’t rip as easily as panty hose. The concept is still the same. Tights come in control top too.


 Spanx   makes full body suits and other compression items, but I am just talking apples to apples. Control top just to the waist product covering the entire leg and foot.  I own control top black tights and I think they are about the same as a pair of black Spanx tights. I mentioned that to a friend who insisted that for this dress I planned to wear I needed Spanx. This woman swears by Spanx and wears them faithfully. She does look smooth, so I am took her advise and bought my first pair of Spanx.


My evaluation is mixed. The Spanx felt good and I appeared to be smooth in all the right places. Twice the price of a pair of control top black tights, I don’t really think the difference is worth the cost. I have thrown the Spanx in the washer and they seem to be holding up as well as the tights. It is fun to say Spanx instead of tights, but is that worth double the cost?

Is there a debate that I am missing?