Archive for November, 2012

The Water Aerobics Problem
November 28, 2012

Because of my old lady sciatic issues, I can no longer go to my exercise class. Without a class I easily become a slug. Sure I bike daily but what is my upper body doing? Right now the weather is damp and getting cold and it is not  pleasant to bike outside any longer.


It has been recommended to me to take water aerobic classes. I actually live 6 miles from an aquatic center and I have done swimming in a therapy pool also close to my home. So what is my problem?


  1. The Hair

There does not exist a bathing cap that actually keeps hair dry. I do not have wash and wear hair. I have thick, curly, wild, not easily tamed hair.  I can’t even fit my hair into some swim caps!  So this means that if I get my head wet, I have to wash my hair, dry it, put it in hot rollers and then flat iron it.

 Image2.The Swim Suit

Not happening. I do not have a swimsuit that I can actually exercise while wearing and continue to offer some modesty! I have a shorts and sports bra ensemble that works as well as can be hoped for.Image

 3.The Shaving

Even wearing my shorts, they ride up while in the water and I really have to have legs shaved all the way up! I am a brunette!

 4.The Smell of Chlorine

I cannot stand the smell of chlorine on my skin. I have to shower it off well. The time in the shower, washing the body and the hair is equal to the time spent in the pool. Add in travel time and I am out close to 3 hours!


Can you see my dilemma?  I can try not to get my hair wet but the back of the neck hair will get that chlorine smell. Who has ideas for me?  I need suggestions!