Archive for October, 2009

Living An Unplanned Life
October 26, 2009

 I have always been organized and never a procrastinating person. I had a Pajama Partyplan for my career, my vacations, and my life. You can imagine my surprise when I received an invasive aggressive breast cancer diagnosis. Breast cancer was not in my plans. It wasn’t even on my radar. I was forced to open up my plan book and add a new chapter.

As breast cancer awareness month winds down I wonder how many other women felt like me? How many other families had to cancel vacations, alter their roles, or give up careers? How many other women added not a new chapter to their life but a whole new book as I did? I never would have thought that my breast cancer diagnosis would lead me to a new career path. A life threatening diagnosis can bring out different responses in different people. For me the response was to look at this life plan I had and not just edit it but start fresh. Starting my own Sleepwear Company, gave me a new path, purpose and career. To be able to be my own boss, to be able to do something that helps others and to be able to give back to charity is the new plan for my life.

Change is difficult but achievable. Change in health, family, career, and income can all cause stress to a well planned order life. The joy is taking the changes and making a fuller life. I wish all breast cancer survivors the joy of survivorship in their new lives.

Macy’s Steps Up its Charity Presence
October 19, 2009

Last week-end was “Shop for A Cause” at Macy’s. Macy’s stores let charities sign up for a table at store entrances where the charities sold for $5.00 a coupon pass good for that day. All the proceeds went to the charity. A win-win situation. Macy’s gets more customers in their stores to use their coupons and the charities profit from the sales with little expense. I signed up the charity I am involved with, the Clara Jean Foundation, a holistic approach to breast cancer,, for the day shift.

Since it was our first year we did not know what to expect. We didn’t come prepared. Next year we will be better prepared from what we learned from other charities that have done this promotion.

  Here is what we learned:

1. Dogs, especially big dogs will stop a shopper in her tracks

2. A couple of  cute teenage well mannered boys roaming the store asking customers if they need help with their packages and selling the coupons on the spot at the registers.

3. 12-13 year old determined young girls stopping and selling to customers

4. Cooking demonstrations with samples.

5. Cookies, candy, balloons, dog treats, wrist bracelets, teething cookies.

6. Bag/Coat check station

7. Resting chairs with portable TVs incase there is a game

8. Chair Massages

9. Raffle to win something, anything

10. Cheer Leaders

We have a year to come up with our plans and we will be better prepared for next year. My thoughts go to pink balloons, cheerleaders, pink cookies, breast cancer wrist bands, chair massage, and maybe even flu shots!  I am really impressed with Macy’s commitment to support not only national but local charities too. The coupons were fantastic. Boy did I get some great buys on presents for the Holidays!

Will you dress up for Halloween and Breast Cancer this Year?
October 12, 2009

 October is breast cancer awareness month and as the month advances, more Lou in Passionately Pink for the Curethought is given to Halloween than Breast Cancer. What if we combined the two? How about dressing up as the pink ribbon, or the pink crusader? What about Racey for the Cure all in Pink? Of course Pink Fairies, Pink Queens, Pink Witches, Little BoPink are all viable combination options. Will you dress in costume for work? On October 16th, American Airlines is encouraging their employees to dress up in pink for the cure. Susan G Komen for the Cure has a program, “Passionately Pink for the Cure”. This program encourages companies to fund raise, show your passion for the cure and manifest it by wearing of the pink. Sounds like a pink Halloween party to me! Kids, or grandkids, are never too young to instill social responsibility and still have fun. Why not a pink theme family holiday? Many schools no longer have Halloween parties but have harvest festivals. Can you see pink scarecrow costumes, pink farmers, pink Dorothy with the red slippers? Adorable! Have fun and support breast cancer awareness through-out October.

A Menopausal Rant on some Recent Medical Studies
October 5, 2009

 If you have been reading the papers or various medical journals lately a few studies jump out from the page.

How about this one from the ‘American Academy of Sleep Medicine’,

“Biological clock out of sync in patients being treated for breast cancer with chemotherapy”?

You Think!

The study goes on to say that psychological factors such as stress, pain, depression, napping and more could be contributing factors. DUH!In the Journal of Nature, “Gene therapy fixes colorblind monkeys”.

The study tells us that 7% of male Americans have red-green colorblindness, which is the inability to see a difference between shades of the two colors.

I am riveted to read more on how this research can help all humans. Let me say the researchers note that “Colorblindness is not life threatening”. They also acknowledge that gene therapy has risks of actually causing cancer and other life threatening complications. So…….?

 In the Archives of Internal Medicine, “Defibrillators do little for women”.

A recent study showed that the devices do little for women in preventing them from dying of heart failure. This is one more study showing gender difference in regards to heart disease. Historically large studies have been on men with the results applied to women. So now once and for all can we say ‘What is good for the goose is good for the gander’ is a stupid saying?


This relates to Breast Cancer How?

This relates to Breast Cancer How?