Archive for September, 2009

Ways to become involved with the cause of Breast Cancer Awareness
September 28, 2009

October is National Breast Cancer awareness month, so all month long there are opportunities to raise your own BC IQ and enlighten others.Ribbon

1 out 8 women in the United States will have breast cancer in her lifetime.

40,000 women in the United States died from breast cancer last year.

There is no cure for breast cancer. There is no definitive cause for breast cancer.  You know you are cured from breast cancer when you die of something else. The top two causes for breast cancer are being a woman and having too many birthdays. Research is encouraging, but slow. The question remains:

Will you see a cure for breast cancer in your lifetime? In your daughter’s?

 Here are a few things you can do to make a world with-out breast cancer, one day closer.

 Schedule your mammogram

Encourage some one who has not got a mammogram to schedule it

 October 16th is National Mammography Day

 Donate to the Susan G Komen for the Cure, or any BC charity

 October 2, 2009 is Lee National Denim Day. Wear jeans, and donate $5.00

 Join the Army of Women. Dr. Susan Love and Avon look for the Cause.

 Shop with companies that donate to breast cancer research. Such as;,,

and many more. Be a conscientious consumer.

The Power of The Pink T-Shirt
September 23, 2009

43,000 people joined together for the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure this

30 Strong!

30 Strong!

Sunday in Portland Oregon. A beautiful sunny morning brought thousands touched by breast cancer a warm feeling of hope. Hope for the Cure, Hope for the Cause, Hope for the Healing. 43,000 people gave up their normal Sunday morning activities to show their support for curing breast cancer. My company had a team again this year, Team Haralee. Team members are made up of survivors of breast cancer and the ugly stepsister of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and their families and friends. Our Donation goal, above the $25.00 entrance fee, was met this year! Survivors wear a pink commemorative T-shirt. Non survivors wear a commemorative white T-shirt. Watching a sea of pink and white T-shirts is a very powerful image. Special attention is given to pink shirt wearers. There was a survivor tent with special goody bags filled with socks and tea and shoelaces and coupons from National Komen sponsors for all survivors. Deference was given to pink shirted women. Survivors were sent to the head of the line for samples, even the line for the port-a-potties. For a few hours at this special event the Power of the Pink T-Shirt is honored. Those participating with the Race for the Cure understand the physical, mental, emotional, and fiscal costs of survivorship and show their respect and love. It is a celebration and a memorial and a very powerful event. Oregon and Washington have the highest rates of breast cancer in the country. With a dubious honor like that, Komen was able to chase out 43,000 people to support the Race for the Cure. I just wonder why not 100,000 or 200,000 people? Maybe next year there will be a cure, or a cause. We all hold on to the Hope.

GPS Needed For Cemeteries
September 15, 2009

With the ease of GPS and Google Maps on our laptops, Blackberries and cementeryphones, getting lost is really about poor preparation these days. If you do find yourself not knowing the correct address or zip code or with-out modern technology, some one is usually about with a phone or GPS that can help. That said; have you gone to a cemetery lately to try and find the grave of a relative?

If you frequent the graves of your loved ones often, you are all set. You know where they are, and you know how to find them. No alternate road detours or new tombstones are going to deter you from your destination. If you don’t go to the cemetery but once a year or less, it can be a challenge to find the grave you seek.

Picture a beautiful sunny day, and you and your family decide with flowers in hand to visit the grave of a loved one. Road construction makes you take an unfamiliar road into the cemetery. There is a service going on down the road so to be respectful you park what you think is a short distance away and start walking toward the grave site of your dearly departed. 20 minutes later you are still walking. The flowers are going limp, the family is getting cranky, you are sweating and still no success on your destination. You see a black large tombstone and hurry your walk certain you are close, but no, it is new. In fact there are several new tombstones and trees and unfamiliar landmarks. Wouldn’t this be a good time for Cemetery GPS?

No Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Nut Free, Vegan, Kosher Cookies Here
September 8, 2009

As a menopausal woman my ranting can be attributed to a meno-rage. I may get some back talk from writing about this issue, but I feel compelled to vent. When did meetings start requiring food as part of the agenda? When did bringing snacks for a meeting become acceptable? Why do I have a file on who can eat what?Foods

If I have to listen to one more person go on and on about their food allergies and food issues and have to try to order or prepare snacks, lunch or dinner with or for them, I will crack! Please note: If you have various food issues do not make a meeting for lunch, dinner or over coffee. Make your diet restrictions clear before someone goes to a lot of trouble preparing food. Remember a meeting is perfectly acceptable with-out food and beverages. Let me repeat myself, a business meeting is acceptable with-out food and beverage consumption. No one will perish from thirst after a 60 or 90 minute meeting.

I understand that many people must adhere to a gluten free diet. I feel badly for the people with the food allergies to peanuts, red dye, corn, legumes, shell fish, strawberries, etc. I respect those people who are vegan and vegetarians because of their moral beliefs. I admire those who for medical and health reasons are vegans and vegetarians. I am akin to people who have a restricted diet for religious beliefs. I am compassionate with the diabetics.

All I am saying is that the few of us left who can and do eat freely at will don’t want to be coveted, hear sanctimonious lectures, or starred/drooled at our food choices. Meetings can start and conclude before or after a meal time. If snacks are present, if some one brought in some thing special, eat it or don’t, but continue to work. The sooner we can effectively conclude the meeting the sooner we can eat food and drink beverages of our own choices!