Bathing Suit Shopping
March 29, 2012

ImageThere I said it. Some of the most dreaded words women hear, “Bathing Suit Season”

followed by,” Bathing Suit Shopping”.

If you are over 45 you may have noticed that gravity has brought some of your body parts closer to your ankles. Also you may notice you are a wee bit wider in the back -side. It appears swimsuits have not been re-fashioned for the more mature woman.


Why in mid winter would I even broach this subject?  Why would I venture all pale skinned to a fluorescent lighted dressing room?

I hurt my back Thanksgiving time and part of my rehab is swimming. I have been wearing bike shorts, a sports bra, and a tank top. This cumbersome ensemble does not dry quickly and is falling apart. It is also not a good look. In my drawers I found 3 swimsuits in 3 different sizes. None of them could be worn for anything more than a controlled sit on a beach chaise. Swimming would be out of the question! I have to buy a functional swimsuit, one I can actually wear to swim.


I went shopping with a friend who although she weighs the same as she did 30 years ago, which is skinny, she also has to look at the cut of a swim suit for appropriate coverage. This friend goes on cruises and vacations in Hawaii frequently so she knows her way around swimsuits. Since skinny is never an adjective used to describe me and functionality is important, we had our shopping challenge.


Front views, side views and back views were scrutinized.  While trying on some suits I walked, I moved my arms overhead, I twisted and I did some lunges.  The results were: straps fell down, butt elastic rode up, and a Brazilian was needed!


I found a sports bra and some jogging shorts on sale. They don’t go that well together but everything stays put and affords the functionality I need!


Do you have any swimsuit stories you would like to share?