How About a Hike with That Lunch??
February 13, 2012

When did just meeting friends for lunch became the reward after an activity?  When did most of my friends become exercise aficionados? Recently after hurting my back for the second time in 3 months I am taking precautions and realize I am left out of my girl friends’ lives!


I love food and meeting a friend for lunch is a great diversion in a workday. I of course am open to breakfast and dinner as well, but lunch is my favorite time for a get together. What I have realized is these lunch dates usually include a 2-3 mile walk; hike or bike ride and I have to decline because I have a sore back!


It is great to reward a very hilly walk or a 1,000-foot elevation gain hike with a yummy lunch. A bike ride of 6-7 miles to a new coffee shop is fun. I love walking, hiking or biking and talking with my friends, but can’t we do the same just over lunch?

An AP reporter about boomers and sports injuries recently interviewed me. It made me think about the change in my lifestyle to relieve my sore back. I stopped going to my exercise class for a few months. I am limiting my biking to 2-3 miles and walks and hikes even less. I am asking myself when did I start including exercise in my life? Living in Portland Oregon is one reason because it is so easy to bike and hike but what about others in my age group?


An unofficial totally unscientific survey to friends in different parts of the country came up with the same result. My girl friends over 50 are exercising even if it is just walking the dog a few times a day.


I have 2 texts from friends to share:

“Watching the neighbors dogs for 3 days. Want to lend a hand for a walk?”

“Fresh snow, pick you up at 7AM for snow shoeing? Be home by noon”

Notice no mention of just sitting and eating!!!

Of course exercise is a good thing. I notice I have an attitude edge while recuperating from my back injury. What about you and your friends? Do you find yourself sharing the bike path or exercise /dance class more than a restaurant?